

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” —Robert McKee

Story Consulting / Developmental Editing

You know you have a book, TV series, or film in you, but you are struggling to get started. Or you already have a massive, unwieldy draft or cut that you can no longer look at without wanting to vomit or hide. Maybe you are somewhere in the middle — working on something, but in need of a system, a plan, clarity, and a sharp, supportive editorial eye. Or maybe you write beautifully in a specialized scholarly voice, but want to find a way to bring your ideas to a wide general audience.

My clients are novelists, memoirists, screenwriters, documentary filmmakers, and narrative nonfictionists. I work with them at all stages of the creative process, from concept development to drafting and revision to platform building and publication strategy.

With every client, my work is entirely customized. My focus is on building trust while providing honest, actionable feedback that is grounded in a deep understanding of the client’s project, process, and goals.

Organizational Strategy

Story is essential to the success of nonprofits as well as for-profit businesses. You can’t raise money from donors, attract and keep customers, influence audiences, move constituencies, build a brand, or even lead your staff without a compelling story about what you do and why it matters. Fundraising woes, marketing problems, management issues, and poor product performance are often traceable to issues with storytelling. Conversely, a great story can bring all areas of an organization into alignment, optimizing efficiency while exponentially increasing impact and revenue.

I work with nonprofit and corporate clients to define their organizations’ overarching story, and then to integrate all aspects of the organization—from leadership and management to branding and customer relations— around that story. I tailor my approach to the needs of each client, working closely with them to define their needs, identify their pain points, and frame solutions that will position them for great, ongoing success.